About Me

My name is Ashley Wheeler. I'm a junior at the University of South Alabama majoring in elementary education. I can't wait until graduate and start teaching. A lot of people tell me that teaching will not make me a lot of money, and I tell them that I'm not in it for the money that I love kids and I love helping them. I would love knowing that I've made a difference in their lives. Growing up I used to "play school". My mom would always tell me that I would make a great teacher one day. It is truly my passion!
I live in Mobile, Alabama. I am 23 years old, currently not married, but I do have a two year old daughter named Kaitlyn. I am very close to my family. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love eating spaghetti! I do not currently have any pets, but I would love to one day have a dog.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


This is an area where I will write about stuff that can't fit any where else. I really enjoy science and social studies. I would love to teach those two subjects. I'm good at math but not too sure how well I would be at teaching it! I think I could actually teach all of the subject very well, but science and social studies would be my best subjects!

Class Jobs

I am observing a 3rd grade teacher a O'Rourke Elementary right now and she gives her students class jobs. Some of the jobs she gives her students are line leader, hall monitor, etc. The students love the jobs. At the end of every week she draws their names out of a fish bowls and they get to choose their jobs for the next week. I think this is a great idea. This is defiantly something I will do in my classes, depending on the grade level of course.

Field Trips

I love going on field trips and I'm almost positive students to as well. I would love to come together with the other teachers with whatever grade I teach, and put together a fun and exciting field trip for the students. Something that's fun and educational.
Some Ideas:
K5-Farm, Pumpkin Patch
1st Grade-Visit a park and look at the living organisms
2nd Grade-Park, Zoo
3rd Grade-Exploreum
4th Grade-Space Camp or Montgomery
5th Grade-Play House in the Park to see a play

Projects and Activities

In my classroom I would love to have lots of projects and activities. When the different seasons come, I would love for the students to participate in activities and projects for that season so that I can hang stuff in my classroom. I would try to be overly nice to make the kids like me, but doing fun stuff wouldn't hurt every now and then. When I was in elementary school I loved making stuff and doing projects.

Teaching Techniques and Disciplinary Actions

In my classroom I would hope that I could teach effectively and give the students the best learning experience they could have. I hope my classes here at South Alabama will prepare me for what's ahead of me in my teaching career. I am just now getting into my education classes here at South Alabama but so far I have learn a whole deal of stuff. I am taking classroom management next semester and I am hoping that class will really prepare me for "taming" my class!